Meet Ryan and Jenny Brown
Hey there and thanks for choosing to hang with us!
We have been married since 2004 and have two kiddos who keep us on our toes. Ryan is a full time pastor at our local church. Jenny is the director of The Marriage Experience ministry. Together we love reading books on marriage with coffee or playing games around a table.
The Marriage Experience was birthed from a love for couples of all ages and a deep desire to help build strong marriages in our community. We have put a lot of thought and prayer into starting this ministry with you in mind!
But let’s back up a bit…
We both graduated from Indiana University with Bachelor’s degrees in Business (Ryan) and Telecommunications (Jenny). Two weeks after accepting our diplomas, we moved to Nashville, TN where we further developed our love for each other and for God. Jenny went on to get her Masters in Education at Lipscomb University, and Ryan began a career in banking. We quickly found a church family and God began to tug on Ryan’s heart to join full time ministry. 6 years later, we had our first child and began looking for our forever home in Nashville, BUT GOD had bigger plans.
Through a series of divine appointments and promptings, God made it clear and possible for us to move back home to Indiana for Ryan to get his Master’s degree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. About a year after our move, Ryan was serving and pastoring full time in the student ministry at Graceland Church, where we are still serving.
3 years after moving home, Jenny had our second child. She soon after resigned from her full time education position to stay at home with him. 5 years later, he is in kindergarten and Jenny is now able to serve as director of The Marriage Experience. Ryan is currently serving as Pastor of Gatherings at Graceland Church which includes being the full time worship pastor.
Why we do what we do…
We have had the phenomenal privilege of leading several young couples through the premarital process and watched them get married, have anniversaries, and even children. It was through our sessions that we discovered a love for guiding couples in their relationship with each other and with Jesus.
Unfortunately, we have also seen a lot of loss and hurt in several marriages around us. We wanted to create something that would help couples regardless of where they are in their marriage journey. That’s where The Marriage Experience comes in.
Since 2019, we have been praying and poring over this ministry. We are so excited to launch the ministry and book together, partnering with God who has made a habit of taking our breath away with his goodness and grace.
We’re glad you’re here and are excited to share this with you!